Almond Verba Civic Culture Pdf
A political culture characterized by “a substantial consensus on the legitimacy of political institutions and the direction and content of public policy, a widespread tolerance of a plurality of interests and belief in their reconcilability, and a widespread sense of political competence and mutual trust in the citizenry” (Almond 1980: 4). Almond and Sidney Verba gave the term “civic culture” this sense in their 1963 book of the same name, which sought to explain the stability of Anglo-American democracy. Almond and Verba argued that democratic stability is correlated to a political culture in which participation is tempered by passivity, trust and deference to authority. They argued that the stability of a democracy with a political culture of this kind lies in the combination of participatory values with those of “subject” or passive, “parochial” or traditional political cultures.
Documents Similar To ALMOND; VERBA. Abrir Archivo Encriptado Pdf File here. The Civic Culture - Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations.